日期: 2016 年 8 月 2 日

maize mill machine

The Zambia’s exhibition is over, but we won’t stop.

Yesterday, Zambia machinery exhibition  in the last day of a successful ending. During the exhibition, our company  Shijiazhuang Hongdefa Machinery Co.,Ltd provided high quality maize wheat mill machine and satisfactory service for clients .

maize mill machine
the machinery exhibition

Therefore, we successfully signed the contract on maize mill machine and wheat mill machine. About our machine, we can supply 5-1000t/24h maize milling machines and 5-1000t/24h wheat milling machines for client’s need in Africa, South America , Asia and so on.

maize wheat milling machine
the machinery exhibition

The Zambia’s exhibition is over, the manager Candy with our team will go to Malawi for another machinery exhibition. And I think it will be another successful maize wheat mill machine exhibition.

Any question , please contact our company website www.maizewheatmill.org.