日期: 2016 年 9 月 20 日

The Maize Milling Machine Flowchart

The quality of a maize milling machine and the quality of the final product depend on the processing type of the maize mill machine. Our maize milling machines at Shijiazhuang  Hongdefa Machinery.Co.Ltd all use the cleaning-milling-packaging type of processing. This is to ensure that a good quality of final product is ensured and all to safe keep the milling machine so that it lasts longer.
diagram maize mill
maize mill flowchart
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Above is the complete maize milling process. A good maize mill must comprise of all these stages.Despite the different capacities  of the maize mill this process is key to ensure a desired result that will please both the client and us.A good mill should give out a good quality of maize meal in the end. A good quality of maize meal is maize meal that has no dust, straw, husk, sand or any other grinded and un-grinded material that is not a maize kernel.


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desired final super refined maize flour meal
desired final super refined maize flour meal                                                                                                                                                                                                                 A good mill is comprised of a cleaning process, conditioning process, a degermination process, uses roller mills and has a sifting process. Milling and sifting are the essence of grain processing so a good mill must have a good sifting processes and roller millers. An added characteristic of a maize mill would be a packaging system.
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Results of good maize milling
Results of good maize milling


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Our machines are also  fault free and durable. Once purchased our maize mills will not constantly develop technical faults and will function well for a very long period of time.We also use the best material and fabric to avoid wear and tear damage for example rust and tearing due to vibrations of the mill. An example is use of stainless steel.Our maize milling machines are user friendly, they can be operated easily, they also can be used indoors or outdoors .Finally our maize milling machines are affordable cost wise and also have an after sale guarantee for assurance.


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If you want more details and the exact information about the maize milling process feel free to visit www.maizewheatmill.org .

Call/Whatsapp : +86 138 3346 1840

Email :  maizewheatmill@gmail.com

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Shijiazhuang Hongdefa Machinery .Co.Ltd is a professional manufacturer for maize wheat and corn milling machines. Our vast experience in this market field helps us understand your milling needs pertaining design ,technical specs and capacity . Our clients have the privilege to customize the milling machine they want to purchase. At Shijiazhuang Hongdefa Machinery.Co.Ltd  we believe in customer satisfaction and to achieve that we always ensure that our machines are of the best quality worldwide.

company certification
company certification

Recently we have attended exhibition shows in different African countries to let our clients and future clients know why they should choose Shijiazhuang Hongdefa Machinery.Co.Ltd . By reading this article you can also help someone make the right choice when choosing a wheat, maize or corn milling machine. Help a friend, colleague or business partner by letting them know about Shijiazhuang Hongdefa machinery.Co.Ltd . Conveniently they can directly visit www.maizewheatmill.org for all the information they might require . We have a working sales and assistance team ready at your service whenever you have an inquiry. Given the increasingly rise in use of social media you can also get in touch with us on almost all social platforms and the details are all listed on our website.

At the Zambian exhibition show
At the Zambian exhibition show

Our milling machines are unique. They are built and designed by professionals who have both the experience and the knowledge. To illustrate and display our work we have a running 100 tonne maize milling plant located in Shijiazhuang where our visiting clients are able to see for themselves how our milling machines function how they can be put to use and how efficient they are. Clients are then able to order their own milling machine with more informed and certain detail judging from the running mill they would have seen. Testimonies from customers have always been positive and more often than not clients have come back to buy larger capacities than the previous ones.

client is happy for the corn mill
client is happy for the corn mill

I can spend the whole day telling you how choosing us is the most intelligent decision any miller would make , but for more details on products and services below are the contact details.


Call/Whatsapp :+86 138 3346 1840

Email          : maizewheatmill@gmail.com

Website       : www.maizewheatmill.org